viernes, 13 de julio de 2018

Blog 5: A photograph I like

I am a lover of selfies and photographs. I usually take photos in different places.
This photo was taken May 20th, 2018. My uncle took the photo, in her birthday number 41 in Calera de Tango.
It’s a special moment because there are few family reunions and the moment was very fun.
This day in the family conversation, we realized that a long time ago that talking’s about us and the other things that experience. I knew the new experiences each other, nor the problems that they were suffering. The challenge was more get together with they and support between all.
Additionally,  we share with my grandmother, she is the north of Chile (IV region) and we can´t see her because the distance. We tried to have fun with her in all moment (she is a person very special from me).
I like this photo, because be all my family is close and we are happy.

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