viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Blog 3: My favorite piece of technology.

I think my favorite piece of technology is my IPhone (cell phone).  I got it in 2018; it is a present from my mother (in my birthday). I use it all time, in different places: my home, university, an the bus, when I walk. 
I use it to listen to music (the big occupation), always I have a lot of music (different styles); I use it to talk with my friends of primary, secondary school and university , the communication is very important for me. 

 I like my IPhone because it has everything I need: music, camera, games, access to internet and social networks.

If this object did not exist, I will have a lot of free time and I can not listen to music  on my trips to home or other places. 

Resultado de imagen para iphone 5s

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

My autobiography

I was born the second of march of 1999, from San Bernardo, Chile. I have lived all my life here, and i love it. 
I studied primary school in Comandante Carlos Condell, the secondary in Liceo Nacional Bicentenario de Excelencia San Bernardo, and now I'm studing Public Administration in University of Chile.
Family: The name of my mother is Irma, she from Combarbalá (north of Chile), my father's name is Sergio, and my brother's name is Sergio too.
I like music, fundamentally Metal, Rock and Electronic music. I love it go with my friends, drink white wine and smoke with they.

I have a dog named Tommy, I have a cat named Simone, I love spend my  time with my pets.

            La imagen puede contener: 7 personas, incluidos Irma Alvarez Tapia, Alvarez Jac Susy, Esmeralda Maturana Alvarez y Sergio Maturana Alvarez, personas sonriendo, personas de pie, niños e interiorLa imagen puede contener: 8 personas, personas sonriendo, árbol, exterior y naturaleza